EcoGathering: The Fight for the Congo

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Upstream Conversation

On this special EcoGathering, we’ll convene to discuss the Upstream podcast episode featuring Vijay Prashad, The Fight for the Congo.

The extraction of materials so necessary for our way of life is inextricable from the suffering of humans and more-than-humans in the DRC (and pretty much anywhere else where mines are operated). Thanks to the work of people like Vijay, we are forced scrutinize the central promise of the dominant culture – that through inevitable progress, technology, growth, and a “clean energy” revolution, we can maintain our current consumptive lifestyles and even do good for the world through that consumption. Join us as we explore what it might mean for the DRC to have more sovereignty over its natural wealth, whether any minerals can ever be extracted ethically even with national sovereignty, and why we want to extract more minerals from the Earth at all.

For people newly interested in EcoGatherings, we host community-focused virtual gatherings almost every week covering a variety of topics. Those can all be explored here. They’re completely free and you’re always welcome to hop in and out of the calls as you please.

For our regular EcoGathering attendees, this call will be in addition to our usual call cycle.

Recommended resources for this EcoGathering:

1. Upstream Podcast: The Fight for the Congo with Vijay Prashad

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