Darkness — non-metaphorical, the lack of light in the physical world — is an increasingly rare phenomenon, although it certainly feels like we have an abundnace of darnkess in these northern hemisphere winters. Darkness — metaphorical, all the difficult things in the world – is, unfortunately, not an increasingly rare phenomenon. For this call, we’ll focus mostly on the former, but just as it’s crucial to acknowledge the necessity of darkness for the critters and habitats on Earth, it’s neccessary to acknoledge the darkness we feel (gently, of course — we don’t need to dive too deep into the darkness of the world). What lessons can we and, whether we want to or not, must we learn from darkness, physical and metaphorical? On this call, we’ll figure a bit of that out together.
Recommended resources for this EcoGathering:
Being With the Dark – A practice for observing darkness
light, dark, light – A song by Angie McMahon and Fred again…
I Pray for the Dark – A poem by Tom Hirons