by ecogather | Feb 3, 2025
The systems and institutions of society are not living up to their promises. That might be old news for you. Or it might be a recent revelation. Either way, after noticing the things aren’t as we were lead to believe, it’s worth taking a closer look. Are...
by ecogather | Feb 3, 2025
How does language shape the way we see the world? What ideas are we more or less able to access, hold, and develop because limitations of the languages we speak? What is the value — and the limits — of having a robust vocabulary, and developing shared, nuanced...
by ecogather | Feb 3, 2025
We spend so much of our time and energy working, that we never really get the chance to explore the question of what really is work, anyways? Where did it come from, and who does it serve? There is no question that in order to stay alive work needs to get done. Living...
by ecogather | Feb 3, 2025
Our work as people who want and deserve better is to understand the game, stop playing in the ways that we can, get clearer about the kind of world in which we want to live, and be more involved politically and in our communities instead of less. – Toi...
by ecogather | Feb 3, 2025
Are we allowing rage and joy, grief and celebration, to remain fiercely connected to each other? Are we tending to each so that neither trauma nor delusion define us? We will start by exploring how we might express our individual and collective rage without...