by ecogather | Feb 5, 2025
Register! In a time of crisis, there is so much work to do. Most of us exist in a state of alienation that amounts to having two full time jobs – the work for wages and the work for ourselves, leaving little left for (the work of) pursuing passions and...
by ecogather | Nov 25, 2024
Register! What does it mean to exist as a “citizen”? A citizen of where, exactly? We are only told to identify as a citizen of a nation-state (in the context of empire), and we are reduced into so many other flattening categories conducive to the growth of oppressive...
by ecogather | Nov 5, 2024
Register! How can we hold the unquantifiable more-ness of mystery and spirit? How do we begin to describe and share and live these suspicions, feelings, and knowings? Probably the way humans have done it for as long as we’ve had language: through story. This...