EcoGather is…

a collaborative learning network dedicated to:

  • place-based lifeways
  • the vitality of agro-ecosystems
  • the change-competence of communities
  • the transition to well-being economies, and
  • the pursuit of collective liberation.

We also support other groups seeking to courageously confront collapse, explore the space between stories, and begin writing humanity’s sequel by providing access to heterodox educational resources.

We also hold and tend welcoming virtual spaces for learners to experience pluralistic exchange and resonant connections across geographies, cultures, identities, worldviews, and lifeways.

We gather to learn from and transform our relationships with each other, the rest of the natural world, and life itself.

Our journey
…so far

EcoGather was initially founded to bring the work of late heterodox environmental economist David Fleming to a wider and activated audience, which we have done for several years via our distinctive Surviving the Future program.

In 2021, we began assembling a cosmolocal learning network that connects people and place-based organizations on learning journeys that probe the “space between stories” by offering guided lessons and interactive virtual spaces that make sense in and of a world that does not.

Between 2021-2023, with our partner communities and a growing network of consulting scholars, we put together over 300 modules of paradigm-shifting, and skill-building digital courses that cover subjects such as Wellbeing Economy, Climate + Change, Change Shaping, Ecology, Agroecology, Relational Food Systems, and related topics, which we make available to individual learners and allied organizations using trust-based sliding scale and donation-based pricing, via access-supporting partnerships, and through gift and barter arrangements.

Our accessible learning assets and weekly open EcoGatherings support and hold spaces for radically imagining and collectively living into post-capitalist realities, pursuing purposeful, connected land-based alivelihoods, returning to kinship as part of the natural world, and finding pleasure and abundance while living within limits.