
We are a planting species. For thousands upon thousands of years, humans have tended to ecosystems, and perhaps our most substantial partners in that co-creative relationship were, and still are, plants. Matters of regeneration and rewilding are immensely necessary to help the living world — and by extension, us — survive the onslaught of civilization. But rekindling and nurturing an abundant, emergent relationship with plants and ecosystems is also necessary for us to express that innate, deeply human part of themselves that has worked intimately with plants for millennia. On this final call, we’ll gather to appreciate how essential an ecomaximalist world is. Ultimately, we can begin to ask: How can we learn to see and empower the living world differently?


Hard-Pressed Community Print Shop 12 VT Rt. 15, West Danville

EcoGather's Vermont based facilitators of community learning are collaborating with Hard-Pressed Community Print shop in West Danville, Vermont to offer a series of EcoGatherings in the Northeast Kingdom. We're eager to share space, snacks, and substantial-talk – the opposite of small-talk –with folks who are craving conversation about who to live well in a time of endings. These casual, cozy events are an easy way to connect in community, practice co-learning, and get connected to EcoGather's globe-spanning cosmolocal network composed of beings and communities ready to courageously confront the collapse of both the natural systems that we depend upon and human systems that are hostile to life. We help each other make and sustain paradigm shifts.

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